Old Edge Patterns
Feelings:Scared, anxious, abandoned
Physiology:Rapid heart rate, shallow breathing, shaking uncontrollably
Pattern/Defense: Make excuses, lash out
Belief: "Everyone is braver than me." "I'm such a loser."
Conversation: "If I jump I will die." "There's no way this is only 15 feet."
Support: Cousins
Metaphor: I pictured myself alone on the cliff or dead in the water
Edge Resources
Feelings: Inclusion, Excitement
Physiology: Racing heart rate but with mental calm
Pattern/Defense: Think less
Belief: "This is awesome." "I am awesome."
Conversation: "Don't think about it." "If you do a trick, everyone will cheer."
Support: Cousins, self
Metaphor: Fearless, like a bird taking off in flight